Max Cloud

Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage with huge resources and fast traffic. MaxCloud Cloud Storage provide flexibility and scalable storage, you can arrange your own size and bandwidth.

Easy Pricing & Transparent

Adjust the price with your need in a single slide.


Cloud Storage For Any Cases

Pay only for the data you store or transfer out of your buckets.

Flexible Integration

Our Cloud Storage supports API, enabling easy integration with applications and third party tools.


Your application data automated clone 3 times, for your data extra protection


Easily expand and shrink your requirements

Unlimited Possibilities

Boost up your business with us

Guarantee SLA 99%

High Class Performance and Stability!

API & Terraform

Use our API and Terraform for easily access.

Best-in-class SSD Data Center Class

Best SSD in it class!

Virtual Private Cloud

Isolated teknologi for your application.

Full Root Access

Full access root with Dedicated IPs

Custom ISOs

Use your own ISOs

Garansi SLA 99%

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